Monday, November 25, 2024

Take the City

Indie, Alternative, Pop Rock | Bay City, Michigan
Band Photo by Joe Matteson Photography

Formed in June 2005, Take The City was the result of an acoustic band comprised of Matt Ferranti and Ken Lange turning into a full band. Matt and Ken have been in bands since eighth grade and ultimately brought Take The City and the band's mission into conception. The band's members lived in Bay City, and though drummers and bassists were constantly changing, Matt and Ken remained a consistent, fundamental part of the band. Despite countless member changes and other trials and tribulations, Take The City remains and strives to succeed in spreading their music and message of hope and inspiration all over the world.

In August 2006, Matt left for the New Life School of Worship in Colorado Springs, CO and Ken began school at Saginaw Valley State University in University Center, MI. Determined to resume the band when Matt returned, the two were in constant contact throughout the year and even played a show over Christmas break when Matt returned home. It was in Colorado Springs that Matt met fellow student Brandon Taets, who eventually moved to Michigan to play drums for Take The City. After graduating from the ten-month internship at New Life, Matt moved back to Michigan and worked out a job for Taets, who moved to Montrose, Michigan at the end of summer 2007.

When Ken, Matt, and Brandon began playing together, it was clear that Brandon was the type of drummer they had been waiting for. Ken and Matt taught the songs to Brandon and wrote a little new material. Brandon was a great fit with the band and offered his own songwriting experience to the writing process. To complete the line-up, Matt and Ken contacted a good friend and former band-mate, Jacob Bunting to play bass guitar. Then, the four guys went to work and began treating the band as a professional entity.

Practicing months before playing their first show, the four guys now play around five to ten shows monthly and have two eighteen day, fourteen show tours to Colorado Springs under their belt. Take The City has recently finished recording a seven-track acoustic EP titled, "The Fortress" set for release this summer, with new merchandise also on the way. Captivating audiences all over with an incredible live show and catchy pop choruses, the band has developed a growing fan base in Michigan and other areas of the Midwest. Equipping their audience with a message of hope and encouragement, Take The City's motives have always been to keep God first in all that they do.


Album: This Is It
Year: 2008
Quality: 320kbps MP3
01. Liberty Harbor
02. Fight to Love
03. Clarity
04. This Is It
05. Finding the Lines
06. Come Back Home
07. Save Yourself
08. Make Me Believe

Album: The Fortress - EP
Year: 2009
Quality: 320kbps MP3
01. Intro
02. Come Back Home
03. Summer's Over
04. Longer With You
05. Clarity
06. What We Could Be
07. The Fortress

Album: This One's to You - EP
Year: 2010
Quality: 320kbps MP3
01. Remain
02. Coming for You
03. Betrayal
04. Longer With You

Album: Walk Away - Single
Year: 2012
Quality: 320kbps MP3
01. Walk Away


A View from Every Window (2006 album)

If you have any other lost music, artwork, or information about this band not preserved here or in better quality (we count iTunes m4a files as better quality than mp3 in most cases) send us an email:



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