How To Contribute

We’d love your help preserving and archiving all these great artists from the Myspace era, so if you’re new to all this and have some dusty demos or rare CDs in your storage we’ve gathered some guides below on the best ways to rip them.

We prefer ripping CDs to the .flac format since it’s lossless quality and has a smaller file size than .wav which makes it great for preservation and archiving.

For PC users we recommend using EAC, (setup guide HERE or HERE or VIDEO)

For Mac users we recommend XLD (setup guide HERE or VIDEO)

dBpoweramp is also a great program for ripping CDs and is available for both PC and Mac but it’s not free like the others listed above.

If those methods aren’t viable you can rip your CDs to .alac or .aiff using iTunes. This isn’t preferred as it isn’t as accurate but still good enough if you don’t have or want to use the above programs.

Note: these guides are for ripping CDs, please do NOT encode any lossy digital music files (mp3, m4a, aac, opus, etc.) to flac. Lossy files being reencoded to different (or the same) formats will only damage their quality, never improve it. However, If you have any .wav files you can safely convert those to .flac to save space when uploading.

Maybe you don't have CDs but some Myspace rips or Purevolume downloads or even old iTunes purchases that aren't being sold anymore. We'll gladly accept all those too! Many bands never had physical releases. So dig out your old iPod or Zune, boot up that aged laptop, and let's save some music!

But what if you purchased something from iTunes or AmazonMP3 back in the day but no longer have it on your computer or media player? All hope isn't lost. In most cases you should still be able to redownload it from your account even though the music is no longer available on the service. 

For some of the more obscure releases artwork may not exist online so we would love to receive scans/images with the music as well. We prefer scanning artwork with a dpi of 600-900. 900dpi may be overkill but it gives us more to work with if we need to do any cleaning or color correction to have the images look as good as possible before archiving them.

If you don't have a scanner you can use your phone/camera. Take a picture in a well-lit area, making sure you have the camera directly over the subject and not at an angle. Don't use flash.

We also wouldn’t mind receiving pictures of any band photo shoots, posters, show flyers, t-shirt designs, or other promotional material you may have.

Okay, you ripped an old demo CD, scanned the artwork, and gathered a couple Myspace rips off your iPod. But now, how do you submit that to us?

Google Drive, Dropbox, and Mega all have good free options (as do many other file hosting services) with more than enough space to upload and send any material you have for us to preserve.

Email any contributions to us at:

*If you wish to receive thanks on the blog for what you contributed please include a name in your email and permission for us to post it.*

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